This article was originally published on TargetingMantra “Why are users uninstalling my app?” Today a mobile user is offered millions of ap...
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Leadership, promotions, and monkey parts
GEORGE CORBIN SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, DIGITAL at Marriott International “Watching people get promoted is a lot like watching monkeys,...
Schedule for the Unexpected
Shane Atchison CEO at POSSIBLE In this series, professionals share their secrets to being more productive. Read the posts here , then write ...
Eight Tips for Young Business Leaders
Young people represent the future. I am often asked by students and young professionals what advice I have on their careers and on leadersh...
Using the Magic of Game Theory to Understand Complex Phenomena
I am a great fan of "Game Theory" for the simple reason that it beautifully explains why things are what they are, and provides in...
Why Good People Underperform
As I headed to LinkedIn’s Talent Connect recruiting industry confab last week with more than 4,000 of the world’s best recruiters and talen...
Focus and Product Management (Essay)
A key role of product management (PM), whether as the product-focused founder (CEO, CTO) or the PM leader, is making sure product developmen...
Einstein's Secrets of Productivity
A producer at [well known television show] said to me, "whatever you do - don't ever ever say 'I don't know'. If you sa...
Contoh Surat Ijin Tidak Masuk Sekolah
kalian sering sakit, atau terkadang ada urusan keluarga mendadak, dan tidak bisa mengikuti proses belajar-mengajar di sekolah. terkadang mem...
Humor Just Kidding Biasa
ERROR ENGLISH Paijo (bukan nama sebenarnya) yang baru belajar bahasa Inggris tanpa sengaja menabrak seorang bule ketika berjalan. Kemudian P...
Cara mendiagnosa seseorang mengalami kesulitan belajar
Sebagai seorang pelajar, kita pasti pernah mengalami rasa galau mendalam karena kesulitan belajar. Sekolah yang tadinya luas dan indah karen...
Bagaimana cara meminum kopi yang baik dan benar agar bisa terhindar dampak negatifnya
Banyak rumor beredar didaratan, bahwa minum kopi bisa berdampak pada sakit jantung, darah tinggi, bahkan kematian (yang terakhir bercanda). ...
Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Prestasi Belajar
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi belajar Prestasi belajar Menurut winkel prestasi belajar adalah bukti keberhasilan yg telah dicapai...
Perspektif ekologikal terhadap abnormalitas
Perspektif ekologikal terhadap abnormalitas Tokoh : Urie Brofenbrenner Menggunakan konsep ekologis dari disiplin ilmu biologi sebagai meta...
Stress Management, Level of Stress, Stage of Stress
Stress Management WHAT IS STRESS? Stress is your mind and body’s response or reaction to a real or imagined threat, event or change. The thr...
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