Expert prepper's ultimate survival guide review

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Expert prepper's ultimate survival guide review

9 Out Of 10 Survivalist Are Under Prepared For The

Coming Chaos...

How To Keep Your Family Safe, Secure, And Well-fed
In Times Of Chaos, Natural Disaster,
Even Total Collapse...

Hey, I’m Skip Tanner – creator of – and author of over a dozen Survival Guide Books.
I will take you to your download in a moment, but I wanted to give you A WORD OF WARNING first...
...the following information has proven too intense for some. You have to decide right now whether you can take it or not - it's NOT for everyone. This is critical life saving information that deals with life or death situations.
If you walk away right now I get it - no hard feelings. Some facts and ideas are simply too hard to accept. Like the nightmares haunting your waking hours, the jaw dropping images flooding the newsreels, and the "death toll numbers higher then expected" headlines filling the pages of your hometown newspaper.
But if you consider yourself someone who wants to protect your family...or someone who is losing faith in the failing Government, then stick with me here...follow along carefully...this is for you.

A Resent Survey Found That 9 Out Of 10 Preppers Have Huge Holes In Their
Survival Strategies...

That number shocked me... because these folks clearly understand what is going on in the world we live.
Yet 9 out of 10 preppers are putting their families in grave danger.
I call these folks the 90% Core Denial Group.
Where our own surveys prove that well over half of preppers OPENLY admit that they are missing critical pieces of their survival strategies.
This Core Denial Group goes on as if everything is hunky-dory yet each day they are gambling with the lives of their loved ones... hoping that one of these oversights doesn't bite them in the ass... taking away everything they have worked so hard to protect.
And here's another scary truth.
You will never survive if you're not 100% prepared... emotionally, physically and mentally.
In times of chaos, natural disaster, even total collapse - it will be totally up to you to keep your family safe, secure, and well-fed - while everybody else is scrambling, confused, and frankly - desperate.
We don't wish for bad times - but sometimes "shit" just happens to hit the fan.
Whether it be incompetent political leaders around the world driving economies to the brink of collapse and over the edge ...
... or be it natural disasters - where a response for help can take days or weeks to arrive. Regardless of what puts you and your family in peril - chances are nobody will be coming to save you in the immediate aftermath of a crisis.
You must be prepared. You must already know what to do. You must instinctively kick into action and activate plans you have already made without a moments delay.
So beyond the immediate protection of your family - beyond just surviving the crisis - you also must be prepared and know how to survive in a post crisis situation - if it continues for weeks, months, or even longer.
And trust me... It's too late to find food, water and other necessities once disaster strikes - You don't want to be caught with no alternatives when it comes to protecting your family ...
You wont be able to buy even the simplest things like food and water after the event. Hell, even if you're warned by the failing government structure... it's already too late.

Anybody That Takes That Approach Will Be The Among The Fist Torn Apart...

And while you may be aware of the news, and just how precarious things are around you - the truth is the doom and gloom being reported on the news is actually being UNDER REPORTED ...
  • The economies of every western nation are in deep and serious trouble ...
  • Wars are gripping the world - from the Middle East - to Asia - to terrorist activities all over the globe ...
  • And of course - a natural disaster can strike at anytime - wiping out all semblance of order or civilized behavior ...
We are at all times on the edge of chaos - and only those who are prepared for true chaos have a good chance of coming through such situations relatively unscathed.
With so much uncertainty in the world - political unrest - and potential chaos always around the corner - it just makes sense to be prepared.
There is an enormous sense of security knowing that you have things covered.Â
Even if the thin veneer of "order" collapses around you - you have a store of food and clean water PLUS a system to ensure an ongoing supply for your family.
And you are prepared and know how to defend your family from potentially desperate people seeking to take what you have.
Because when it's all said and done, the truth is ...

No One Cares About You Or
Your Family When The SHTF

When the SHTF ... people only care about themselves.
You can talk about altruism and generosity and doing something for "the public good" all you want, but those concepts are fallacies. They don't exist when people are desperate and are fighting to survive.
Which is why you must be prepared ... because the truth is - we all know bad events can happen at any time, and without warning. And not just natural disasters - but also political unrest and economic calamity are always just an unexpected moment away.
So how do you prepare? What should you be focusing on first, second, and so on? And can you really prepare if you're on a budget?
Well some good news for you ...
If you know what you're doing you can prepare very effectively on a budget
The number one mistake many people make is to amass large stockpiles of all the wrong stuff. Items that won't ultimately be very useful in a crisis situation.
In being prepared, you're really buying peace of mind by gather enough food and water and other goods to keep you and your family alive for when you need it. But knowing precisely what to buy - even when on a budget - and knowing how to store it ...
... and how to make the best use of it when a crisis does strike - this will make all the difference between surviving - and having a bunker full of useless items - that consumed your precious resources to amass.

The Only Way To Be "In Control" When It's Most Critical - Is To Know What You're Doing While You're Preparing The For "Unexpected"

And you must also be prepared for the scenario of the "unexpected" becoming "the new normal" ...
It's not enough to be ready for times of chaos and confusion - what if chaos becomes the NEW NORMAL?
Being prepared for a crisis situation is essential. But you must go beyond surviving the initial days after an event occurs. Nobody wants this - but it has happened time and time again all over the world ...
A natural disaster where help doesn't arrive in any meaningful form for weeks. Or an economic meltdown stripping any sense of order for months or longer.
If chaos and confusion reigns - and becomes the new normal - it's no use fretting about it - you have to be prepared for it.
Believe me, in such a situation - other people will become desperate.
You want to keep your family safe and secure, well fed and healthy - yet you have to remain invisible to others. And it's always a last resort - but if you need to defend your home and family - you must know what to do.
How will you know what to focus on in preparing? What is a waste of your time and energy, and what will pay-off and provide for you and your family when you most need it?

The Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books Answers These Questions...

A total of 10 Guide Books that will show you how to start preparing RIGHT NOW AND ON A BUDGET for a crisis situation ...
Your time and money is always limited, and you want to be prepared as quickly as possible.
But it is critical that you don't make this deadly mistake ...
Not many people prepare for the's a fact. We all know disasters occur on a regular basis - but many would rather just bury their head in the sand and believe "these events only happen to other people."
And this is a false sense of security ...
Even if you consider yourself a prepper remember that 9 out of 10 may still be lacking a critical piece of their survival plan such as:
  • Not covering all your bases - leaving you vulnerable when a crisis strikes ...
  • Not preparing enough for your family or worse... Intending to get "prepared", but leaving it too late to actually do anything about it ...
  • Not being prepared for "life as we know it" being broken for more than what you have planed and stocked for ...
As events like Hurricane Katrina demonstrate - when the unexpected slams into your world - you really will be on your own ... so the time to get prepared, and do it right, IS NOW ...
With the Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books, focus number one is to start preparing RIGHT NOW for a crisis situation - and how it can be done on a tight budget.
You'll be briefed on the 14 scenarios that could instantly plunge you and your family into a "survival situation" - understand the likelihood of each situation - whether you should stay put or bug out - and precisely what to do in each case ...
And you'll understand precisely what to do - NOW - to ensure you have plenty of food and clean water for your family, regardless of what crisis may develop.

How To Start Preparing RIGHT NOW
For A Crisis Situation ...

The Survival Guide Books Will Show You:
  • 3 things to consider when deciding how much food you really need to stockpile - and 7 things to consider when deciding what type of food you should be stockpiling ...
  • Comprehensive list of 34 food items that MUST be on your list - plus what NOT to waste your money on ...
  • How to stockpile on a budget - and still get everything you need ...
  • PLUS - do you know the first item that always sells out in a disaster? (Hint: It's not bread or milk ...) Why you must stock up on this #1 item NOW! You'll also discover:
    Six additional methods of long-term storage for your food - even when electricity is but a distant memory ...
  • A simple system for food rotation that will lengthen the life of all your consumables - with the one exception of possibly the most maligned yet most useful foods there is ...
  • Canned goods make for a great stockpile, right? Yes, but only if you buy the right size and type. Don't make the average prepper mistake on this one ...
Having a supply of food is essential - but even more essential - is a supply of clean drinkable water. The Survival Guide Books covers many life-saving tips on making sure you have all the water you need, including:
  • Why you should never consume snow directly, as a water source in a survival situation ...
  • The amazing "rock-in-a-plastic bag" trick you can use to get fresh drinking water - no matter where you are - even when there is absolutely no source of water in sight ...
  • How to create your own water filtration system in minutes - with simple items from the hardware store - even if you've never constructed as much as a sand-castle before ...

    ... system quietly produces gallons upon gallons of clean drinking water each day - requires no attention from you, beyond filling it and collecting the pristine output ...
You'll also learn how to purify over 100,000 gallons of water with no more than one simple item from Wal-Mart costing $15 - this simple process produces enough water for a family of 4 to have 10 gallons of clean water per person - per day - for almost 7 years ...
And a seven step process to storing small-to-large volumes of water over a long period of time ... while keeping it free of bacteria and contamination - purified for drinking at all times ...
Don't think it can't happen to you?
If you're like a lot of people I talk to, you might think, "I don't have anything to worry about when it comes to natural disasters. I don't live near the coast so I'll never get hit by a hurricane.
"I don't live in the Plains or the Midwest, so I probably won't experience a tornado. And I don't live in flood plain, so that's not likely either."
But here's the deal - natural disasters are always a threat... no matter where you live tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes and their aftermaths CAN AND WILL impact your life.
But there's an even bigger threat from man-made disasters.

Every Western Government Is On The Brink Of Collapse - Thanks To Decades Of Stupidity And Mismanagement...

You just have to look at the example of Argentina - which collapsed into chaos virtually overnight back in 1998 - and is on the brink of collapsing again.
But so is every other Western economy - including the United States.
It CAN happen to you, and it can happen at any time.
There are no geographic boundaries to shield us from the corruption and stupidity of our own government - and the governments of other countries.
But rather than ignore the facts - or to feel powerless - the one thing you can do is to be prepared ...

And when chaos strikes - and things do not return to normal for sometime - it will be essential to know some outdoor survival skills to get you through ...
None of us want to be caught in a bad situation - a natural disaster, or chaos and confusion at the hands of many types of man-made disasters ...
But things happen - often without warning, or without anybody paying attention to the warning signs.
So, if you suddenly find yourself in a situation where all the modern conveniences of life are not available - such as a fully stocked supermarket, electricity or running water ...
... you'll be thankful for the skills you've gained from the Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books, such as:
  • How to gather enough food to feed your family - tips from wildlife in finding edible goodies - how to make almost anything palatable - and potential dangers to avoid ...
  • The 4 considerations to take into account if you intend to grow your own vegetables - plus, the best types of seeds to get you started ...
  • 10 ways to store food long-term even if you're without electricity for months on end ... precise food preparation instructions - and what NOT to do to avoid having your food supplies contaminated ...
If it comes to the point where survival depends upon hunting down your next meal - these are the 4 weapons of choice to ensure you won't go hungry - even if you're not a hunter and don't have access to high tech firearms or ammunition ...
  • For the non-hunter who must learn fast - this is how to turn your captured game into a life sustaining meal ...
  • Discover 3 trapping methods highly effective on land and in water - plus 10 essential supplies you'll need as a hunter and trapper ...
  • Plus, how to start a fire in any conditions - including rain or out in the snow - even if you have no matches or a lighter to get it started ...
Did you know petroleum jelly is a great aid in starting a fire? Yes, it is !
  • 6 innovative and portable fireplace aids you probably would have never considered ...
  • 62 items you must have in a fully stocked first aid / trauma kit - nothing can be left to chance when hospitals might not be functional or accessible to you in times or emergency or chaos ...
  • PLUS: 6 types of medicines you should stockpile that will cover pretty much every type of medical emergency - including antibiotics, pain killers, and children's medications (the options you have in each category is explained) ...
One thing many people don't want to even contemplate - is what if there is a meltdown so severe, that the modern functioning society as we know it today - never returns, or at least not for months or even years to come.
Given the precarious state of affairs in much of the western world - this idea is not as far-fetched as one might think. Plenty of empires have collapsed under the weight of their own mismanagement before.

Every Time It's Happened Before
"Nobody Saw It Coming" ...

I'm not making predictions here, I'm just saying, BE PREPARED for the worst. If you don't need it, fine. But if you do, at least you will be one of the few that survives ...
It's not just enough to have food, water and batteries to get you by until help arrives.
You must be prepared to live without electricity, clean running water, or other city services you expect to always be there.
In a time of crisis or natural disaster - they most likely will NOT be available.
And it's anybody's guess how long you'll have to live "off-the-grid" ...
  • How to create an "off-the-grid" home scenario - so you don't have to rely on city water and utilities if you so choose - and when there is no choice in a crisis - you will be totally self-sufficient ...
  • In the immediate days and weeks after a crisis strikes - and you only have yourself to rely upon - this one simple gardening item that could save your life ...
  • 4 ways to cook your meals if the trappings of modern society are suddenly no longer available to you ... including how to improvise your own solar oven using common items from your kitchen ...
Plus, you'll discover the best options for a fresh water collection system - depending upon where you live and the climate ... You'll also know:
  • Best heating option for your house when there is no grid to be connected to - no, it's not a fireplace ...
  • 3 ways to make your home more efficient for when it really counts ... and the 3 most common items needed to make home repairs after a crisis strikes ...
Regardless of how prepared you are - when it comes down to it - your best or ONLY option in a crisis might be to escape - but you must be prepared ...
  • To ensure nothing goes wrong - make sure you have these 19 items for your vehicle, and these 27 essential items for your bug out bag ...
  • Don't leave planning an escape route till it's too late - when mass panic has struck - pre-plan with these 4 indispensable aids ...
  • Not sure which direction you should be headed in? You'll discover 6 things to consider when choosing a location for a retreat, and 6 great additions to make to a location if there are not already present ...
The Survival Guide Books also covers why forming a "mutually beneficial preparedness" group could be a great idea - or a really terrible one ...
Ultimately, it's all about having options. That's what these guide books are all about. When there is a crisis situation, if you don't have a storehouse of supplies - food, water, and emergency supplies - you simply don't have options ...
And because being prepared doesn't have to be expensive - it can be done for pennies - you owe it to yourself and your family to take action.

Grab Your Copy Of "The Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books" Today...

And start preparing TOMORROW to ensure your family always remains safe, secure, and well-fed ...
The Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books are your insurance policy designed to keep you and your family safe, secure, and well-fed - in times of chaos, natural disaster, even total economic collapse ...
Being prepared is something you can't afford not to be - because the consequences of incompetent political leads and unpredictable acts of God are guaranteed to keep happening -especially when you least expect them.
The Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books will show you:
  • How to start preparing RIGHT NOW for a crisis situation ...
  • How to have a nearly endless supply of clean drinkable water with only a few items that can be purchases with the change in found in your car...
  • How to keep your family happy and well fed when a state of chaos and confusion remains for weeks, months, or even years to come ...
No longer feel helpless, out-of-control, and at the mercy of others and circumstances. When the next crisis situation strikes, you'll know precisely what to do - kick immediately into action - and ensure the safety and security of yourself and your family ...
The Expert Prepper Guide Books give you step-by-step instructions on everything you need to do to be prepared to survive any crisis situation - and combined with the report you just purchased "Becoming a King In the New World" you will thrive in the aftermath ... be it days, weeks, months or more ... 
The Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books is broken into 10 Expert Prepper Guide Books - and it has everything you need to know to prepare - survive - and even thrive in periods of extended unrest ...

To Help You Start Preparing RIGHT NOW For A Crisis Situation, You Will Receive...

Inside you'll discover...
  • What the greatest threats are that we face today. Ranging from natural disaster, personal lose to financial and governmental collapse

  • How to react and what to do immediately following each crisis situation.
Inside you'll discover...
  • How to build a simple and inexpensive DIY water filtration system that will last you for years and years

  • How to find water almost anywhere
  • How to properly store the water you find so it stays FREE from contamination

  • How to purify 100,000 gallons of water year after year for only pennies
Inside you'll discover...
  • The 32 most important foods to stock up on NOW... before a crisis

  • How to can all your extra food so you can extend or add to your long term food storage

  • How to make sure your family is happy and will actually eat the foods you are stocking up on
Inside you'll discover...
  • How to set up the perfect off the grid home
  • The best options for heating your home and for cooking

  • Why this location is the best for setting up your home... away from threat, but right where you need to be
The focus is on starting to prepare RIGHT NOW - even if you're on a tight budget. You can quickly and effectively stock up on essential items like food and water, know what to do when ANY crisis situation presents itself and how you can prepare your home or bug out location to be Off the Grid when needed.
Don't make the average Prepper mistake of intending to prepare - but never actually getting around to it ...
Or worse, preparing but then finding most of what you have accumulated is useless in a real emergency situation ...
You may find yourself on your own and may even need to get away from dangerous situations in the city quickly - with the information in these reports - you'll know precisely what to do so you can get to safety and quickly...
Inside you'll discover...
  • You'll discover how to pack a truly effective bug out bag that will get you to where you need to go

  • How to create the ultimate "retreat" location

  • What Items you should add to your car to ensure your safety
Inside you'll discover...
  • The proper way to set up a first aid kit and a trauma kit

  • How to asses medical situations so you know what to do in case of cuts, fractures, head wounds and injury

  • How to avoid weather related situations

  • How to do basic first aid so you and your ‘team' can survive
Inside you'll discover...
  • Basic outdoor living, survival shelters and cooking fires

  • How to make an effective kill using bow and arrow and rifle. Plus what to do after the shot

  • How to gather food by following natures rule
Inside you'll discover...
  • How to make a fire in anywhere... in any condition (including rain and snow)

  • How to "spark" a fire using several different items

  • 4 of the best fire starting methods
Regardless of how prepared you are - when it comes down to survival and others who are not as well prepared as you - you can bet they'll be coming after what you've got if they know you have it ...
The obvious first line of self-defense - is don't advertise to the world that you have anything worth taking. But also, doing whatever it takes to protect yourself and your family ...
These Guide Books cover everything you need to know about defending yourself and your family.
Inside you'll discover...
  • 15 items every home should have to survive even the mildest of emergencies - plus a self-challenge drill you can do NOW while things are still calm, to test your preparedness ...

  • How to protect what you have from those who are unprepared will be wanting your stuff ...

  • The 7 keys to staying safe from roving mobs, 4 formidable ways to fortify your home, and what to do to remain invisible to others and never become a target ...
Inside you'll discover...
  • Three reasons why a rifle should be your number one weapon of choice - even over a handgun or shotgun ...
  • If your choice is between a handgun or shotgun - use this handy guide to understand which to use when, and how to adjust your tactics depending upon the threat ...
  • Combat versus hunting style rifle - AR versus AK - understand your options such as ammo capacity, ease of use and maintenance, and for which purpose they are most suited ...
  • Five must have accessories for your rifle, and the three most important cautions in its use ...
As you can see this is your ultimate survival tool in times of chaos, natural disaster, or even total economic collapse ...
But I'm not done yet.

Besides The Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books, I'm Throwing In Two Indispensible Bonus Materials

Indispensible Bonus #1:

The "Take It Anywhere, No Power Needed" Bound & Printed Edition of the "Expert Prepper's All-In-One Ultimate Survival Library"
When you order now I will send you all 10 Expert Prepper Guide Books (plus the Becoming a King in the New World report you just purchased) in an all-in-one bound and printed book.
And the printed version of The All-In-One Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books — is by far your best bet for any TRUE "off the grid" prepper.
Because having a printed edition of The All-In-One Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books will be a MUST when we lose power.
Remember - all the information you will ever need to survive... can be found in these pages.
The Printed editions will arrive in 5-7 business days for US based orders and 14-21 days for international.
And just so you can feel completely comfortable and at ease with your purchase, this one-time-offer comes with my no-questions asked 100% 60-day money back guarantee. All you have to do is return your merchandise and we will refund the full price of your purchase, less shipping and handling.

Indispensible Bonus #2:

Wilderness Survival: How To Survive in the Wild - 10 modules on mastering your outdoor survival skills
...Something has happened and now you're outdoors... in the wild... you versus nature...
Whatever that "something" was no longer matters. You are outside either alone or with others, in a non-urban setting and there are no social services around to help you.
It's truly amazing how many people in the most populated parts of our great country have no clue what to do in an outdoor setting when faced with an emergency.
How even a simple hike in the woods can instill fear of getting lost and a complete inability to deal with even the most innocuous situation that can present itself in a natural setting, be it woods, marsh, desert or plains.
So along with our assumptions of what happened to you and how you have been put out for the foreseeable future, these 10 modules cover what you should be able do in order to survive for short or even extended periods of time in the wild."
You're going to learn exactly how to...
  1. Cook any meal over a fire
  2. Build a fire that uses the fewest resources, but is correct for the situation
  3. Move through terrain without injury
  4. Use a rope for survival, tools and building
  5. Use a knife for survival
  6. Find food in the wild
  7. Find water when none is visible
  8. Create a survival camp that will keep you alive
  9. Use and implement basic and creative first aid
  10. Get in the game mentally by having a plan for the situations you will most likely find yourself in

Altogether, With Your Order Today You'll Receive...

  1. Instant access to all 10 Expert Prepper Guide Books (download and start prepping TODAY for whatever happens tomorrow)

  2. A bound and printed edition of the Expert Prepper Ultimate Survival Guide Books shipped right to your door. This is the all-in-one book that includes all 10 Guide Books plus the Becoming a King in the New World report. (You can take this with you wherever you go and best of all ... it required no power)

  3. Wilderness Survival: Surviving The Outside In Depth" - 10 modules on mastering your outdoor survival skills. (So when you are tossed into a wildness situation you will know what to do to stay alive and thrive where others will not)
This is your comprehensive plan for ultimate peace of mind because this covers everything on how keep your family safe, secure, and well-fed in times of chaos, natural disaster, even total collapse.
The guide books included in The Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books normally retail for $17 each.
The printed edition of the Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books sells for an extra $27 (plus shipping)
And the "Wilderness Survival: Surviving The Outside In Depth Modules"are usually only taught in small groups over the weekend with registration costs starting at $100 per person per night (we don't even include food, water or shelter in this intense course).
That's a total value of $397
But right now, you can test-drive everything listed here as part of our 100% Customer Preparedness Initiative for only:
$47.00 + s/h
That's a savings of $350 ...
PLUS, I will even throw in 3 unadvertised survival PDFs worth an additional $59.85, absolutely free ...

And All You Need To Do Is
Click On The Button Below

For the price of taking your family out to a nice meal... you can have ultimate peace of mind no matter what disaster comes your way.
And can you really put a price on the safety and security of your family?
"The Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books" and the Wilderness Survival Modules are your best weapons against future disasters ...

It even comes with a FULL 60 DAYS

So you can proceed with total confidence ...
If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with The Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books or the Wilderness Survival Modules you don't pay - it's that simple ...
You have a full 60 days to decide. Review the materials - follow the instructions - put them to the test ...
If you still decide that the Ultimate Survival Guide Books are not right for you - All you have to do is return your merchandise and we will refund the full price of your purchase, less shipping and handling. Once the materials are returned we will gladly refund your money. No hassles. No hard feelings. It's that simple...

The Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books Will Show You How To Start
Preparing RIGHT NOW...

..for a crisis situation ... and when the chaos strikes - you'll have essential outdoor survival skills ...
... plus, how to survive and even thrive when a state of chaos and confusion remains for weeks, months, or even years to come ...
The Wilderness Survival Modules will show you how to survive when you are unexpectedly thrown in a wilderness survival situation.
You can't control future events - and that's why it's essential to have a master plan to ensure your family is kept safe, secure, and well-fed - in times of chaos, natural disaster, even total economic collapse ...
So now - TODAY - the choice is yours ...
Be proactive - be prepared - and no-matter-what happens - at the hands of incompetent political leaders or unpredictable acts of God - you'll know what to do to keep yourself and your family safe ...
Or ...
Do absolutely nothing to be prepared - and just hope nothing happens - or if it does - somehow, you'll be okay ...
Can you really afford to take that risk?
Things happen every day, all over the world - and they will continue to. Being prepared is simply a wise choice ...
And when you are prepared, you will never be at the mercy of others or circumstances - instead - you will be in control and know precisely what to do ...
If you prefer that scenario - then simply click the button below ...

Peace of mind is priceless - especially when it comes to your family - don't be the one who knew what to do - but never did anything about it ...
Even if you never have your brush with disaster - you'll always be prepared and have peace of mind.
But the chances are you may - and when you do - you'll know what to do to ensure you have plenty of food, a clean and healthy supply of water ...
... if you're in imminent danger - you'll know how to handle the situation. If you have to get out of dodge, you'll know how to hunt or gather food - how to start a fire anywhere, and how to treat injury or illness - if required.
If the crisis passes quickly and things return to normal - great! But if they don't - you'll know the number one skill in a post-collapsed economy.

Click On The Button Below And Start Prepping For Chaos... Even On A Budget

The Expert Prepper's Ultimate Survival Guide Books are your passport to peace of mind and total preparedness ...
I look forward to guiding you as you prepare. To get started, simply click on the button below.
To the safety and security of your family ...
Best wishes,
Skip Tanner
Skip Tanner

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